

Facilitate the preservation and preparation of food with safety and versatility.


To be recognized as a flexible and versatile company, and a reference in domestic and foreign markets of differentiated preserved food products, ensuring the cost benefit ratio and sustainable development.


- Promote a healthy and pleasant working environment in which employees receive fair wages, training, personal and professional fulfillment.

- Establish long-term partnerships, through quality, with its customers, suppliers and partners, becoming a competitive reference in the market.

- Conduct operations with financial solidity and liquidity, aiming to ensure the results and financial return to shareholders, providing new investments.

- Interact, in an intense and constructive manner, with the community and being recognized as a company committed to the environment, society and local economy.


Our Quality and Environmental Policy:

Conservas Oderich S.A. is a 100% Brazilian food company that operates in the domestic and foreign markets and is constantly pursuing harmony between quality preserve products and sustainability. Being founded on its values and focused on the expectations of customers, shareholders, employees, representatives, partners, communities and the society, and develops its mission aiming at results that add value to the parties involved.
To make this possible, Conservas Oderich S.A., represented by its Industrial Director, Claudio Oderich, formally states its quality and environmental commitments:


1 – Act ethically and responsibly in our activities, guaranteeing the legality of the food produced;
2 – Produce quality and safe foods from a hygienic-sanitary point of view, protecting the health and integrity of consumers;
3 – Act proactively, guaranteeing the quality and integrity of the products sold;
4 – Meet the legal and customer specifications, aiming at the constant improvement of its processes and products;
5 – Encourage support to suppliers and customers in the adoption of standards recommended by the legislation, meeting Food Safety requirements.



1 – Act ethically and responsibility in all of our activities, properly managing air emissions, the use of water, the disposal of effluents, as well as the final disposal of waste;
2 – Have excellence as the management standard seeking the control, pollution prevention and constant improvement, recognizing people as agents of this evolution;
3 – Meet all legal requirements and others subscribed by the company;
4 – Meet stakeholder requirements in order to meet their needs and thus, promote their satisfaction;
5 – Transcend its environmental actions for society through the Environmental Education project – “Oderich – A story of responsibilities”;
6 – Produce quality foods that are in equilibrium with the environment.


Código de Ética e Conduta

Trilhamos nosso caminho, agindo com base em nossos pilares e tendo uma atuação ética, eficiente e transparente. Buscamos constantemente maior eficácia em nossa produção com o propósito de satisfazer os nossos clientes e promover um desenvolvimento sustentável.  
Link de acesso ao Código de Ética e Conduta:

Código de Ética e Conduta com Fornecedores

Esse Código tem a finalidade de estabelecer diretrizes mínimas para as quais solicitamos a adoção integral por parte de nossos fornecedores, seus colaboradores, representantes, agentes e subcontratados (aqui tratados como Fornecedores) durante a condução de negócios.
Ele é um guia para que se conheça as suas responsabilidades e se saiba o papel perante o relacionamento com a Oderich.
Link de acesso ao Código de Ética e Conduta com Fornecedores:


Política Anticorrupção

Link de acesso a Nossa Política Anticorrupção:çao.pdf


Equal Pay Act

Salary Transparency and Remuneration Criteria Report for Conservas Oderich S/A branches in 2024: